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Resume data : Code 0005913 Last update : 8 ต.ค. 2561
Firstname : xxxxxxxxxx Lastname : xxxxxxxxxx
Address : xxxxxxxxxx
E-mail : xxxxxxxxxx
Mobile : xxxxxxxxxx
Personal info
  Birth 15 พ.ค. 2533
Gender Male
Status Single
Hihg 165 cm.
Weight 56 kg.
Nationality ไทย
Religion พุทธ
Military status ได้รับการยกเว้น
Job requirements
  Apply for positions
1. Emedded System
2. Software engineer
Salary requirements 60,000
Place to work
Academic year 2016 From มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา
Level ปริญญาโท
Qualification วิศวกรรมมหาบัณทิต
Subject ไฟฟ้า
GPA 3.69
Academic year 2012 From มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา
Level ปริญญาตรี
Qualification วิศวกรรมบัณทิต
Subject ไฟฟ้า
GPA 2.71
Work history
Total work experience 6 Year
From August 2018
 to Present
Company name Blueparking (BlueGroup)
Address - 51 Naradhiwas Rajanagarindra Rd, แขวง สีลม เขต บางรัก กรุงเทพมหานคร 10500
Saraly 55000
Position Senior Software Engineer
Duty - Work
- Develop the license car plate detection platform. (Image processing) - Develop the parking lock. (Wireless control: BLE, Lora and RF)
From December 2016
  to August 2018
Company name Celestica Thailand
Address -
Saraly 30000
Position Software Engineer
Duty - Work
Develop the Network machine (Network cards) - Joined to Gobol Design and Development with Shanghai team ( 2018) - Develop the Kernel Linux driver for network box. - Develop the Diagnostic software run test in the box. - On-Site support the technical in Shanghai. - Develop the LInux OpenSource used in Network Box. Diagnostic software on Network Card. - Joined co-working with Cisco software diag team (Cisco Research and Development Center in China 2017-now) - Develop the diagnostic software for test the network card (CISCO). - Bring-up diag software in Shanghai, China. Experience Linux kernel driver Development - Develop the driver and kernel in open source (SOINC-Linux), For the router machine. Experience on Controller Development - Develop the kernel driver on Linux. - Develop the driver support for windows 10. Experience Firmware Development - Develop the firmware on Microcontroller. Experience Development Kits. - Build the kernel and custom image for Embedded boards. [Raspberry Pi, Beaglebone, Smart Linkit].
From May 2013
  to August 2016
Company name BASELab Co., Ltd.
Address -
Saraly 23000
Position Software Engineer
Duty - Work
- BAESCare product about the wearable for fall detection in elderly people. I develop the firmware on the wearable device for fall detection. The device uses the Nordic chip, It' supports the BLE(Bluetooth Low Energy) and Very low power. In working process, I develop the functional and testing fall detection algorithm implement from my research. "Real-time system for monitoring activity among the elderly using an RF SoC device with triaxial accelerometer data over a wireless sensor network", Published in RF and Wireless Technologies for Biomedical and Healthcare Applications (IMWS-Bio), 2014 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on, Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 09 February 2015. And we use the BAESCare product join to SaenSuk Smart city in Thailand. - Embedded Boards. - Web Application - Android Application
Training Institute
Training courses
Training Institute
Training courses
Training Institute
Training courses
Ability and performance
  Language skills
Language ไทย Speak ดี Read ดี Write ดี
Language อังกฤษ Speak ดี Read ดี Write ดี
Typing Thai Words / minute
Typing English Words / minute
Driving Motorcycle Car
Have Motorcycle Car

Other talents

Project work
